Customize map pins in .NET MAUI

Customize map pins in .NET MAUI

10 October 2022

.NET MAUI/Xamarin

Buy Me A Coffee


.NET MAUI's next major release is closer and closer. It brings a lot of bug fixes and new features. One of them is Maps control.

This article is devoted to the customization of standard map pins. We want to display a custom image instead of a standard pin icon.

Let's start!


Start with installing NuGet package:

<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps" Version="7.0.59"/>

Custom Pin

First of all, we need to create a new control:

public class CustomPin : Pin
	public static readonly BindableProperty ImageSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(ImageSource), typeof(ImageSource), typeof(CustomPin);

	public ImageSource? ImageSource
		get => (ImageSource?)GetValue(ImageSourceProperty);
		set => SetValue(ImageSourceProperty, value);

This control has a bindable property ImageSource that allows us to choose any image source to store our pin icon.

Customize pin on Android

To be able to add, update, and remove map elements we need to store them in memory. To do that, let's create a CustomMapHandler:

public class CustomMapHandler : MapHandler
	public static readonly IPropertyMapper<IMap, IMapHandler> CustomMapper =
		new PropertyMapper<IMap, IMapHandler>(Mapper)
			[nameof(IMap.Pins)] = MapPins,

	public CustomMapHandler() : base(CustomMapper, CommandMapper)

	public CustomMapHandler(IPropertyMapper? mapper = null, CommandMapper? commandMapper = null) : base(
		mapper ?? CustomMapper, commandMapper ?? CommandMapper)

	public List<Marker> Markers { get; } = new();

	protected override void ConnectHandler(MapView platformView)
		var mapReady = new MapCallbackHandler(this);

	private static new void MapPins(IMapHandler handler, IMap map)
		if (handler is CustomMapHandler mapHandler)
			foreach (var marker in mapHandler.Markers)

	private void AddPins(IEnumerable<IMapPin> mapPins)
		if (Map is null || MauiContext is null)

		foreach (var pin in mapPins)
			var pinHandler = pin.ToHandler(MauiContext);
			if (pinHandler is IMapPinHandler mapPinHandler)
				var markerOption = mapPinHandler.PlatformView;
				if (pin is CustomPin cp)
					cp.ImageSource.LoadImage(MauiContext, result =>
						if (result?.Value is BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable)

						AddMarker(Map, pin, Markers, markerOption);
					AddMarker(Map, pin, Markers, markerOption);

	private static void AddMarker(GoogleMap map, IMapPin pin, List<Marker> markers, MarkerOptions markerOption)
		var marker = map.AddMarker(markerOption);
		pin.MarkerId = marker.Id;

The next step is notifying the handler that our pins are updated. We should do it when the map is ready:

class MapCallbackHandler : Java.Lang.Object, IOnMapReadyCallback
	private readonly IMapHandler mapHandler;

	public MapCallbackHandler(IMapHandler mapHandler)
		this.mapHandler = mapHandler;

	public void OnMapReady(GoogleMap googleMap)

Customize pin on iOS/MacCatalyst

iOS/MacCatalyst requires a bit more customization.

First, we need to create a new class CustomAnnotation. It stores an UIImage of our pin icon.

public class CustomAnnotation : MKPointAnnotation
	public Guid Identifier { get; init; }
	public UIImage? Image { get; init; }
	public required IMapPin Pin { get; init; }

Then create the CustomMapHandler:

public class CustomMapHandler : MapHandler
	private static UIView? lastTouchedView;
	public static readonly IPropertyMapper<IMap, IMapHandler> CustomMapper =
		new PropertyMapper<IMap, IMapHandler>(Mapper)
			[nameof(IMap.Pins)] = MapPins,

	public CustomMapHandler() : base(CustomMapper, CommandMapper)

	public CustomMapHandler(IPropertyMapper? mapper = null, CommandMapper? commandMapper = null) : base(
		mapper ?? CustomMapper, commandMapper ?? CommandMapper)

	public List<IMKAnnotation> Markers { get; } = new();

	protected override void ConnectHandler(MauiMKMapView platformView)
		platformView.GetViewForAnnotation += GetViewForAnnotations;

	private static void OnCalloutClicked(IMKAnnotation annotation)
		var pin = GetPinForAnnotation(annotation);
		if (lastTouchedView is MKAnnotationView)

	private static MKAnnotationView GetViewForAnnotations(MKMapView mapView, IMKAnnotation annotation)
		MKAnnotationView annotationView;
		if (annotation is CustomAnnotation customAnnotation)
			annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation(customAnnotation.Identifier.ToString()) ??
							 new MKAnnotationView(annotation, customAnnotation.Identifier.ToString());
			annotationView.Image = customAnnotation.Image;
			annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
		else if (annotation is MKPointAnnotation)
			annotationView = mapView.DequeueReusableAnnotation("defaultPin") ??
							 new MKMarkerAnnotationView(annotation, "defaultPin");
			annotationView.CanShowCallout = true;
			annotationView = new MKUserLocationView(annotation, null);

		var result = annotationView ?? new MKAnnotationView(annotation, null);
		AttachGestureToPin(result, annotation);
		return result;

	static void AttachGestureToPin(MKAnnotationView mapPin, IMKAnnotation annotation)
		var recognizers = mapPin.GestureRecognizers;

		if (recognizers != null)
			foreach (var r in recognizers)

		var recognizer = new UITapGestureRecognizer(g => OnCalloutClicked(annotation))
			ShouldReceiveTouch = (gestureRecognizer, touch) =>
				lastTouchedView = touch.View;
				return true;


	static IMapPin? GetPinForAnnotation(IMKAnnotation? annotation)
		if (annotation is CustomAnnotation customAnnotation)
			return customAnnotation.Pin;

		return null;

	private static new void MapPins(IMapHandler handler, IMap map)
		if (handler is CustomMapHandler mapHandler)
			foreach (var marker in mapHandler.Markers)


	private void AddPins(IEnumerable<IMapPin> mapPins)
		if (MauiContext is null)

		foreach (var pin in mapPins)
			var pinHandler = pin.ToHandler(MauiContext);
			if (pinHandler is IMapPinHandler mapPinHandler)
				var markerOption = mapPinHandler.PlatformView;
				if (pin is CustomPin cp)
					cp.ImageSource.LoadImage(MauiContext, result =>
						markerOption = new CustomAnnotation()
							Identifier = cp.Id,
							Image = result?.Value,
							Title = pin.Label,
							Subtitle = pin.Address,
							Coordinate = new CLLocationCoordinate2D(pin.Location.Latitude, pin.Location.Longitude),
							Pin = cp

						AddMarker(PlatformView, pin, Markers, markerOption);
					AddMarker(PlatformView, pin, Markers, markerOption);

	private static void AddMarker(MauiMKMapView map, IMapPin pin, List<IMKAnnotation> markers, IMKAnnotation annotation)
		pin.MarkerId = annotation;

It's responsible for loading images and adding an annotation to the map. Later, when annotation should be displayed, the GetViewForAnnotations gets the annotation view and displays it on map.

The final step is registering our handlers:

public static class MauiProgram
	public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
		var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
		builder.ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers =>
			handlers.AddHandler<Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps.Map, CustomMapHandler>();

		return builder.Build();

That's all we need to customize .NET MAUI Map pins. Run the application and see the result:

.NET MAUI Custom pins

The full code can be found on GitHub.

Happy coding!

Buy Me A Coffee


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